Saturday, September 6, 2008

I'm such a slacker

Ok so I forgot to post my last babys birthday..It was July 24th. Tammy turned 5!! well she kinda ruined her own birthday by being mean to her daddy. Anyway she is my last one no more for me. Tam is always willing to help me clean...sweeping and washing dishes!! I havent really figured out this blog thing yet since I really don't have the time to do it. Here is a picture of Tam and her cake

so the picture isnt that well the others she is frowning my camera was set in a funky mode.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Kira!!!

So my daughter Kira turned 9 today!!! Wow how time flies....She is a very sweet kind hearted girl. Though we bump heads alot I love her so much. She is alot like me we both love animals and she is always willing to help other people when needed.

Love you Kira lets slow down the growing up!!

Monday, April 14, 2008


So tomorrow my son will turn 13. Ahhhhh a teenager!! He is really a good young man. I just can't believe my only son is growing up so fast. Also everyone can remember his birthday since he is a tax baby. lol so here is a pic from the other day at the river one of the last of him being 12!